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Comments or statements that are made by any participants on Witnesses to the Nations (WTTN) Kingdom Radio Network are not necessarily the views of Witnesses to the Nations (WTTN) Kingdom Radio Network.
WTTN Kingdom Radio Network Program Listings & Times
Controlling My Destiny Broadcasts
Every Tuesday at 10:00 PM ET (PRE-RECORDED)
Tune in to WTTN Kingdom Radio Network and listen to a Controlling My Destiny BROADCAST every Tuesday at 10:00 PM ET! Dr. Copeland will teach the worldwide audience about how to use words to produce success!!
During the broadcasts, Dr. Copeland will answer questions from around the world about how to use words to produce success! View our tweets on Twitter about the broadcasts’ discussions by searching for the hashtag, #ControllingMyDestinyBook.
If you would like to provide anonymous feedback about the broadcasts, please submit it by going to We value your feedback!